__________Fanlisting Main | Codes | Join | Edit | Fans | Crispin | Extras | TheFanlistings.org __________Introduction "In the past, I've never tried to discount or stop what people are saying because on some levels I find it interesting. But if I look on the Internet or in news chat groups, I tend to read, 'Oh, that guy's crazy, that guy's nuts. He's insane or psychotic.' At a certain point, it does get a bit like, 'I'm not. Really.' Look, I one-hundred percent admit and in fact implore people to understand that, yes, I am very interested in countercultural things. But there's a difference between having artistic interests and being psychotic. That's more than a fine line of differentiation, and I do see that a bit too much. " -CHG Welcome to Quirky Genius, the Fanlisting for actor/writer/director/producer/musician Crispin (Hellion) Glover. Mr. Glover is perhaps best known for his eccentricity, both on and off screen; often taking offbeat roles, (ie. Michael J. Fox's Dad, George McFly in Back To The Future, and the silent and deadly Thin Man in the Charlie's Angels movies) yet always bringing something of himself to each one, delivering entertaining and memorable performances that set him apart from the rest. Below is where you will find the links to get yourself added as a fan here. If you own a website, please link back to Quirky Genius with an image code, or text link. __________Stats Last updated: 05th March 2025 __________Website Copyright © Thin-Man.com. I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with Crispin Glover. This is just a site made by a fan, for the fans. Information came from imdb.com. Crispin Hellion Glover's Official Website is crispinglover.com. |