Welcome to Deadly Elegance, a fanlisting/fansite dedicated to the ultra-cool, hair-sniffing, chain-smoking, sword-wielding, silent assassin from the Charlie's Angels movie series - The Thin Man. The character, The Thin Man, is played by Crispin Glover, and has been featured in both Charlie's Angels films.
If you're a Thin Man fan, get yourself added to the fanlisting!
This site is run by Anthony, and will be added to as time and inspiration permit. If there is anything you'd like to see here, just e-mail and let me know. Contributions are also welcome, and can be sent to me through e-mail, as well.
Last updated: 05th March 2025
Member count: 156, from 25 countries
Pending members: 2
Newest members: Mae
© Thin-Man.com. This is an unofficial website for the character The Thin Man. I don't know Crispin Glover, and I don't know how to get in contact with him. This is just a site made by a fan, for the fans.